Actually, I think quite a few politicians are happy to let corporations do what they can't, as they then can still wring their hands and pander to their base as it all being an issue of "choice".
My finacee works at a hospital that's effectively out of ICU beds, and which is limiting surgaries for people with minor issues like cancer and brain tumors.
The staff is demorialized and quite a few of them have quit because they're tired of treating people WHO DID NOT HAVE TO BE THERE IN THE FIRST PLACE, as about 98% of all current COVID admissions are from people who are unvacinated.
So when it impacts my fiancee and my local hospital and the ability of my family to get care if/when needed... then yeah, stupid decisions do concern me.
Especially when said decisions also provide a breeding ground and mutation pool for some variant to come along that doesn't play as nicely as delta.
Finally, we live in a society, where individual "choices" impact others. Your choices affect me. Mine affect you.
Or as Jefferson put it... "Rightful liberty is unobstructed action according to our will within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others."