Amazing except for the fact that the CT missed almost all of its promised goals.
Significantly less towing capacity. Less hauling capacity. And 40% less range in the dual/trimotor configurations.
You know. Basically a lot of the things that people buy trucks to do in the first place?
That said, it is 0.2s faster than promised at 0-60. Something that's sure to make a major difference in daily driving.
I also noticed that it's possible to spend an eye-watering $128K on the thing, spending an extra $16K on a battery back that increases range closer to that originally promised (while reducing hauling and towing capacity even further); plus, of course, the Musk tax of $12K to enable "Full Self Driving".
But at least it shipped after four years. Who knows, maybe next year we'll see the $25K M2 announced, in which case 2028 could be very, very promising.
Still, I expect to start seeing the "bulletproof" armored beasts on the road soon, as they should appeal greatly to the folks who felt they needed to drive military grade Hummers to and from their favorite restaurants.