“Businesses across a wide swath of industries, particularly trucking, restaurants, health care, and tech…”
A diverse list, with a diverse set of problems.
Trucking can pay well… once you get past the first couple of years where you’re effectively working for minimum wage. Restaurants (particularly fast food) are the worst in regard to wages and benefits. Part timers and minimum wages galore, and about 150% annual turnover.
Health care… well, if you look, the largest number of new job openings are for home health aides. Who again pretty much make minimum wage.
See a pattern here?
Tech is a bit different, in that tech requires training. The bigger issue there, however, lies in getting past automated hiring systems that reject anyone that doesn’t exactly fill the job opening.
Another problem is that many of the positions that need to be filled exist in populated areas that can be extremely expensive to live in, and which in turn make it harder to work minimum wage jobs.
Do you want to work for minimum wage, for no benefits, and in the bottom rungs of a corporation that will drop you in a second?