Good article. I will note, however, that almost all of the pain points you mentioned have to do with the languages, tooling, libraries, and generational support needed for application development on Android.
I came at Flutter from an iOS perspective, and there Flutter definitely makes iOS feel like a second-class citizen.
Flutter is very much an Android-first development environment, down to its fundamental reliance on Android's Material Design guidelines. If you want to create an app that looks and feels and behaves like an Android that's great, otherwise... not so much.
iOS development is expanding to many platforms within the Apple ecosystem (watchOS. tvOS, iPadOS, macOS) and Flutter only gets you so far.
And yes, you can use Flutter for the web... although it's still very much a beta technology and even Google doesn't recommend it for most use cases.
Finally, and in regard to my article, yes, most of the comments (58 at the moment) were negative. However the number of fans outweigh the negative comments by about 4-to-1 and almost all of the negative comments were from Flutter developers who, as one migh expect, are somewhat vested in that technology. ;)
At any rate, good rebuttal and thanks for the link!