I recently heard someone say that people were willing to let their grandmother die just so they could go back to stuffing their face at Applebee’s.
Keep in mind that in the beginning of the COVID response people were dying from it and we had no idea whatsoever how severe it was going to be, or who it was going to target. Lockdowns were always about slowing the spread of the disease and preventing ER’s from imploding while we learned to treat it and gained time develop a vaccine. (Which too many people still refuse to take, btw.)
I also think that Gawande’s response smacks of ageism. Yep, COVID hit the elderly hardest, and they seem be to the ones whom you and Gawande are most willing to risk… and to lose.
Had COVID behaved differently, and had we now lost over one million children to it, I think people’s reactions to the epidemic would have been completely different.
But your mom? Hey, she’s had her time.
Now, what’s on the menu….