No, you're missing the point. We--men and women--still seek love, companionship, a mate. I'd even agree that there's a biological basis for that.
But women no longer need to find one just to survive. They no longer need to find one just for protection.
Effectively, they no longer need to settle.
And so now their criteria often seem as varied as women are themselves. It's true that some may pprioritize looks. Some may prioritize status. But others may prioritize intelligence, or humor, or stability, or simply someone who can make them feel good about themselves.
It's no longer just about strength or power. Or age, for that matter. I could find a sleek twenty-year-old attractive... but that doesn't mean I'd want to marry one just because of that.
As I said earlier, you've found your "hypergamy" excuse and you're convinced that "status" is the only thing that matters.
But I think you actually hit the nail on the head in your last comment. "...relationships are taxing. They require time and energy (both physical and mental). They require money."
They require work.
And--flipping that around--I don't think you're willing to make the effort.
Hence the excuses.