Perhaps here one could say, "You first."
At the moment I'm much less concerned with Apple Music's position against Spotify as I am against the continued deregulation and lack of oversight over the financial sector, big pharma, big oil, and telecommunications.
The article in question repeated mentions Glass-Steagall and its application to "big tech", but barely mentions in passing that our concerns over our "too big to fail" banking system seem to have conveniently passed by. Why?
We pay far more per person for a medical system that provides worse outcomes that any other first world nation... yet that seems to get a pass. Why?
We pay more for internet service than any other first world nation, with higher fees, data caps, and terrible customer service. Worse, its now merging with vast media conglomerates. And yet telecommunications gets further deregulation. Why?
Call me cynical, but I think it's because big tech, and unlike oil, telecommunications, pharma, and the financial industry, has yet to get its hooks fully into the governemntal apparatus designed to reign it in.
Then again, when you have trillions to play with, I suspect that it's only a matter of time.