That's not what you said, and if you had said that originally, in that tone, then I would have totally agreed with you.
Instead you penned a sarcastic response that started off by slapping the "cancel culture" label on the entire article. A label which in turn, and to borrow a phrase, attempts to dismiss things that don't fall neatly within our own personal values.
Here's the problem. When you start off with a label, any label, you're really just doing two things:
1) You're demonstrating your own unwillingless to listen to opposing viewpoints.
2) You're attempting to dismiss the entire argument, as he/she/it is obviously "just another example" of the label in question.
You've already made up your mind on the matter. Case closed.
So when you start off a discussion with sarcasm and a dismissive label, then yeah, for some reason people start to take offense.
Go figure.